Can I Use Lotrimin for a Yeast Infection

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You know how to spot yeast infection symptoms if you've ever had 1: itching, called-for, and clumpy, white, cottage-cheese looking gunk in your underwear. Yes, yuck—but besides, oh and so common, with about women experiencing a yeast infection at to the lowest degree one time in a lifetime. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a sure type of fungus, resulting in an imbalance of leaner in your vagina.

If you lot've been getting recurrent yeast infections, they may be more than merely a fluke. The good news is that if you can identify what's triggering them, yous might be able to stop the agony before information technology starts again. Here are half dozen risk factors y'all should know about—and how to avoid them in the future.

Not changing your tampon frequently enough

"Yeast breeds in high-moisture environments, and pads and tampons tin can keep excess moisture effectually, allowing yeast to grow," says Taraneh Shirazian, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center. Her simple solution: Alter pads/tampons oft, at to the lowest degree once every 4 hours, especially as the weather becomes warmer.

Taking antibiotics

If you take an antibiotic for strep throat, a UTI, or any other ailment, information technology tin throw your unabridged personal ecosystem out of whack, says Kathryn A. Boling, MD, a primary intendance provider with Lutherville Personal Physicians. "Antibiotics can impale off the good for you leaner in the vagina, allowing yeast to overgrow." To bolster good bacteria and reduce the chances of infection, Boling recommends taking a probiotic supplement along with your antibiotic. "Probiotics with lactobacillus are the best to have because that's the dominant bacteria plant in the vagina of healthy women," she explains. Prefer to go these good bugs from food instead of pills? Yogurt works, as long every bit y'all choose 1 that contains "live agile cultures."

Having high claret carbohydrate

Got diabetes or prediabetes? Watch out. Yeast gets free energy from sugar, and infections thrive in moist areas of the body, including the vagina. If you think your blood sugar might be out of control, be sure to talk to your doctor. Switching to a depression-saccharide diet might help.

Getting frisky with an infected partner

Yep, yeast infections can be contagious! "Yous can grab a yeast infection from a partner who has thrush [oral yeast] or a yeast infection of the penis," though that's more common amongst men who have a foreskin, says Boling. Having a lot of sex—even with a guy who'southward infection-costless—may also lead to trouble by changing the pH of the vagina and assuasive the yeast to overtake the practiced leaner. Urinating right after sex activity may assist.

Wearing snug undies

"Tight underwear made from a constructed fabric that doesn't let the southern area 'breathe' encourages yeast overgrowth by creating a warm, moist environment," says Shirazian. She likewise says it's a good thought to get commando while you slumber at least once or twice a week, considering information technology allows the vagina to naturally air itself out. You lot could also look into exercise underwear, which is typically made of sweat-wicking, breathable fabrics.

Using scented feminine hygiene products

You lot desire to smell like a pineapple infused with tropical flowers down there, right? Not and so fast. Scented sprays, wipes, washes, and fifty-fifty fragrant bubble bath may cause the acidity level in the vagina to driblet, resulting in a yeast infection, says Shirazian. Stick with gentle bar soap instead. And don't even think about douching.

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